We are living in a world that is astronomically fast paced. People nowadays rarely have time to enjoy a sit-down meal, and instead opt for a few lighter dishes; snacking and picking at bits throughout the day. This snack mentality also applies to the content they consume daily. But why is this?
Often referred to as a mobile-first mindset, your mobile phone is frequently the first thing you look at when you have a free-moment; be this during a lunch-break, commute home, or crashing on the sofa after a long day. For many, the TV has replaced the radio as simply a source of background noise, and for others who prefer VOD and do not see the need for a TV, their phones are their first port-of-call for discovering what is happening in the world.
This attitude has however resulted in shorter attention spans, emphasising the need for bite-sized branded content, especially across digital platforms. Continuing with the food metaphors, it is therefore vital that brands cook up something so delicious with their integrated marketing, that it leaves the consumer wanting more, and to make the consumer feel their appetite for this particular dish has not been satisfied.
The consumption of bite-sized content has also increased the importance of understanding consumer habits & behaviour, leading to informed media planning & buying which targets consumers with advertising on the appropriate platform at key points during the day. For example, early morning commutes might be a time to search latest news stories to see what was missed during sleep, whereas 9 in the evening might be a social media scroll, to see what friends and sort-of friends have been up to.
A final word to the wise; do not be mistaken in thinking that because content is only bite-sized that adequate research does not need to be conducted to understand the type of quality consumers want and when they want it. I mean who wants to start their meal with desert? For more insights on integrated marketing, contact SWC Partnership here.